The Sudan State Formation Process:
Historical Roots and Characteristics
Sudan, State Formation, Slavery, Colonialism, Inequality, ConflictAbstract
In this article we discuss the most relevant historical background to understand the formation of the Sudanese state and its characteristics. The article focuses on the concepts of nation and state formation during the historical period of colonialism, looking firstly at the years of occupation by the Turkish-Egyptian Government or Turkiyya; secondly, the years of the Mahdiyya, which can be considered as years of 'internal colonialism'; thirdly and finally, the British rule of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. The article thus focuses on understanding contemporary Sudanese history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the legacy of which, primarily in terms of slavery and colonialism, is crucial for understanding the process of state formation in Sudan and for understanding post-independence phenomena in the country.
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