
Community Resilience in Ancient Egypt


  • Anna-Latifa Mourad Macquarie University, Australia


Mots-clés :

Community resilience, Collapse, Climate change, Ancient Egypt, Egyptology


This special thematic issue focusses on Community Resilience in Ancient Egypt. Although the subject of resilience has only re-entered the disciplines of the archaeology and history of Northeastern Africa and Western Asia in recent years, its aspects have been explored for several decades via the concept of collapse. This dossier pushes past collapse to consider the changing continuities of communities across different periods of Egypt’s history. Bringing together diverse perspectives from climate change to communities of practice, it aims to spur further discussions and research into the various strategies of adaptation and resilience initiated and experienced by communities of Egypt’s past.


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Comment citer

Mourad, A.-L. (2023). Introduction: Community Resilience in Ancient Egypt. Claroscuro. Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, (22), 1–16.