A Historiographical Observation on Mari and Israel's Origins


  • Emanuel Pfoh IMHICIHU-CONICET - Argentina




Mari archives, Book of Genesis, Israel, origins, historiography


This short paper assesses the main connections deployed by ancient Near Eastern and Biblical historiography between the information found in the Mari archives in eastern Syria (18th cent. BCE) and the later origins of Israel in Palestine (ca. 13th-11th cent. BCE). In spite of the unlikeliness of such a connection in current understandings of the topic, it is however possible to advance some historical and historiographical observations about how to understand Israel's origins.


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How to Cite

Pfoh, E. (2019). A Historiographical Observation on Mari and Israel’s Origins. Claroscuro. Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, (18), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.35305/cl.vi18.72