Pastoral mobility in prehistory. The case of Negev and Sinai herders


  • Ezequiel Cismondi Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina



Mobility, Pastoralism, Neguev, Sinai, Exchanges


In this paper we analyze the different forms of mobility in the Negev and Sinai deserts during prehistory. From the earliest times, there is evidence in the archaeological record that could indicate subsistence practices based on seasonal mobility. Researchers suggest that during the Neolithic these populations would have been dedicated to hunting until in the 7th millennium BC they adopted mobile herding. Allochthonous goods imported through exchanges have also been identified. Our aim is to analyze the mobility of desert dwellers during prehistory based on their subsistence and cult practices and their participation in interregional interactions and the circulation of goods. To this end, after discussing theories relating to the studies of mobility, we address archaeological evidence that would indicate mobility practices based on an internodal approach, as well as the changes that these practices experienced from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Finally, we will propose some considerations regarding the relevance of the study of mobility in the past.


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How to Cite

Cismondi, E. (2024). Pastoral mobility in prehistory. The case of Negev and Sinai herders. Claroscuro. Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, (23).