apartheid in Palestine and Israel, an analogy with South Africa


  • Martín Martinelli Universidad Nacional de Luján




South Africa, Palestine, apartheid, selfdetermination, geopolitics


The purpose of the article is to analyze the debates about whether the State of Israel commits apartheid, that is, a crime against humanity, against the Palestinian population. For this objective, first, we will present the general guidelines of the South African case, second, an analysis of the Palestinian situation, third, we will compare both situations from a broad perspective, and finally, we will investigate the existing studies in this regard. The issue of spatial segregation /apartheid can be key in the diagnosis and search for a solution to the Palestinian question.  Among other definitions such as colonialism of occupation, showing whether Israel's oppression of Palestine is a form of apartheid, implies knowing where to point international positions.



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How to Cite

Martinelli, M. (2021). apartheid in Palestine and Israel, an analogy with South Africa. Claroscuro. Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, (20), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.35305/cl.vi20.15