Reseña Burke, Aaron A. (2021) The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East. The Making of a Regional Identity. Los Angeles: University of California, 432 páginas


  • Agustina Reyna Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina



Reseña Burke, Aaron A. (2021) The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East. The Making of a Regional Identity. Los Angeles: University of California, 432 páginas. ISBN: 9781108856461.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Reyna, A. (2023). Reseña Burke, Aaron A. (2021) The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East. The Making of a Regional Identity. Los Angeles: University of California, 432 páginas. Claroscuro. Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, (22), 1–11.