Walter Rodney and the fight for socialism in Tanzania
African independences, Tanzania, Ujamaa, Walter Rodney, Pan-AfricanismAbstract
This article proposes a first approximation to the Tanzanian historical process in the vision of Walter Rodney, based on the analysis of some unpublished documents in Spanish, which address the specific situation of its development, in particular, Class Contradiction in Tanzania (1975). Our brief study will consider the Guyanese author as part of a great movement of the African diaspora, which in those years already had a long history and had given rise to some very prominent figures, teachers and fighting comrades of Walter Rodney, and which some social scientists group together, under the name of Black Marxism as part of a Black Radical Tradition. Some biographical data of the pan-African author are mentioned and then some specific characteristics of the independence process in Tanzania are analyzed. Finally, some aspects of Walter Rodney's analysis of the process are addressed.
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